But then there hasn't been much to tell really, I've had no more writing talks booked lately. My Kindle book 'Saint or Sinner' is selling, slowly, but it's going, just need more people to want to read a rootin' tootin' Western! Any ideas how I can drive more folks to buy? Do let me know.
Meantime, my dear friend, actress and author Madalyn Morgan had a 'virtual launch' party for her first self-published book, 'Foxden Acres' (she has another three in the series to finish writing) the party went well, she organised a raffle, with prizes of books, donated by writerly friends, and some real life friends actually turned up to help her celebrate with flowers and wine! How lovely.
Here is a picture of the book, on a shelf along with my two, and others by more of our writer friends. 'Foxden Acres' isthe tall one in the centre, sandwhiched between Jane Wenham-Jones' 'Wanna be a Writer we've Heard of', and my (Amos Carr's) two Westerns. Thanks for the picture Maddie! It feels great to be seen alongside such good company!!
Madalyn's blog adress is- madalynmorgansfiction@blogspot.com
Also, another writer friend of ours, Pauline Connoly, who lives in Australia, has her first book out now, it is called 'The Water Doctor's Daughters' and is about the doctor who declared that the waters of Malvern were a cure for all sorts of ills. She spent a very long time researching it, and has followed it, almost immediately, with another one entitled 'All Along The River' which is about the River Thames, and the connections with certain parts of the river to specific foodstuffs or dishes. I have her first one on order, eagerly awaiting the arrival, then I can tell you more about it! It should be here this week.
She too, has a very interesting web site. Go to - http://paulineconolly.com. And she even has her own in-house editor, a little Teddy Bear named Desmond! He's cute!
Pauline is actually in the UK right now, promoting her first book, by doing signings in some of the places mentioned in the book. I'm a foodiemyself, so I am looking forward to the next one coming out Pauline!!
Do please take a look at these blogs, and buy my friend's books won't you?