Saturday, 30 June 2012

5 4 3 2 1 - LAUNCH !

Today's the day!!! It's Launch Day. My new book 'The Ghosts of Poynter' is on sale at last!

So far, I have two very positive comments from people who purchased it on pre-order, looking forward to some more please! I know there are a lot of people out there who will never have read a Western, and who wouldn't even dream of reading one. But please, take a chance, have a go, you never know, you might just end up enjoying it. One of my reviewers says - 'This was my first Western, it won't be my last.' So she has found something new to read, which, until reading mine, she wouldn't have even considered.

I do believe that we should all try reading something in a different genre to that which we become familiar with. You never know what you might be missing. For instance, I never thought I would enjoy the so called 'chick lit', but this year, I decided to try reading some different genres to expand my knowledge of what is avilable. I purchased 'Flings and Arrows' by Debbie Viggiano, and was very pleasantly pleased. I will be reading some more.  So go on, even if Westerns were never your thing, why not give them a try.

As a woman, writing Westerns, (one of only four women in the UK who do so) I believed that I needed a male pen name in order for the books to appeal to a wider audience, so you will find my Westerns filed under the name of Amos Carr. Sort and sweet! I also think that my books are a little less violent than many of the male written Westerns, 'softer' if you like, I use quite a few female characters, and my heroes usually fall in love with one of them. I also like a happy ending. Is that wrong for a Western? Perhaps you will let me know?

Thank you for reading.


  1. Hello Jill. Well done on the book launch. Your point about trying different genres is a good one. As part of my MA, I am reading all sorts of authors and genre that I wouldn't have considered on my own. However, I've never read a Western. Perhaps this is the time to try one.

    1. Sorry for the delay Elizabeth. If you are going to try a Western, I would love it if you tried mine, but there are a great many Western authors out ther who have written lots of books, so are way more experienced in the genre than I am. But if you do choose mine, then thank you, and I'd love to hear what you think about it. I received a wonderful review on 02/07/12, (I have put part of it on my page for today, the 3rd) Looking forward to hearing from you.
