Saturday, 30 June 2012

5 4 3 2 1 - LAUNCH !

Today's the day!!! It's Launch Day. My new book 'The Ghosts of Poynter' is on sale at last!

So far, I have two very positive comments from people who purchased it on pre-order, looking forward to some more please! I know there are a lot of people out there who will never have read a Western, and who wouldn't even dream of reading one. But please, take a chance, have a go, you never know, you might just end up enjoying it. One of my reviewers says - 'This was my first Western, it won't be my last.' So she has found something new to read, which, until reading mine, she wouldn't have even considered.

I do believe that we should all try reading something in a different genre to that which we become familiar with. You never know what you might be missing. For instance, I never thought I would enjoy the so called 'chick lit', but this year, I decided to try reading some different genres to expand my knowledge of what is avilable. I purchased 'Flings and Arrows' by Debbie Viggiano, and was very pleasantly pleased. I will be reading some more.  So go on, even if Westerns were never your thing, why not give them a try.

As a woman, writing Westerns, (one of only four women in the UK who do so) I believed that I needed a male pen name in order for the books to appeal to a wider audience, so you will find my Westerns filed under the name of Amos Carr. Sort and sweet! I also think that my books are a little less violent than many of the male written Westerns, 'softer' if you like, I use quite a few female characters, and my heroes usually fall in love with one of them. I also like a happy ending. Is that wrong for a Western? Perhaps you will let me know?

Thank you for reading.

Friday, 29 June 2012

Day 2 of 'Bullets and Hearts'

Oh dear. Can't figure out how to edit any of my past writing on here, and I have spotted mistakes! Not a good start.
Anyway, yesterday I received copies of the magazine my article was in, 'Doll's House and Miniature Scene'. I sent an article and some pictures, they published all the pics, but cut some of the article about and changed it from first to third person. I suppose that's the 'done' thing for a magazine?
And the good news is, that a gentleman is coming all the way from Kent on Saturday, to us, in sunny Lancashire, to pick it up. What dedication! I have no doubt then, that he will finish it, and send me progress pics.
No writing today. Ticker playing up again, so had to lie down most of day. Ho Hum.

See you later folks.

Thursday, 28 June 2012

Blogging Beginner.

Hello all! This is my first attempt at making a blog, so please, forgive me for any mistakes, and do come back again to make sure they're fixed!

I am a writer of Western novels, but am also working on a contemporary Romance at present, (hence blog title).

My Westerns are written under the pen name of 'Amos Carr' (an amalgam of two great-great grandparents) although my real name, is Jill McDonald-Constable. I am one of only four women in the U.K, who write Westerns for Robert Hale, under the imprint of 'Black Horse Westerns'.

I also have a website you can visit, which carries 'blurbs' and excerpts of my published works, and works in progress. Go to 
Sounds like a strange title, but there is a reason. I tell you that reason on my site.

As this is my first page, I'm not really sure just what to put on, I need to do a bit more research on other blogs, to give you something exciting to read. I'm really looking forward to chatting to some of you, and talking about my work, and that of other authors, and craft workers, as I also  create hand crafted cards, charted cross stitch pictures, gift boxes, and other craft items. They can be found on my other web site, go to the main one for the link.

Be back soon folks! Bye for now.