Showing posts with label Amazon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Amazon. Show all posts

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Possible e-books!

Remember me saying that I had heard from some of my friends who said they'd received copies of my new book, 'Crazy Man Cade' from Robert Hale, and I hadn't even got my advance copies? Well, I still haven't! The girl who handles that side of things has been away, and no-one else has done it for her. Typical! HUH!
Still, there might be a tiny speck of good news to be had, she did happen to hint that they may be looking at turning my first one, 'The Ghosts of Poynter' into an e-book! Now, if everyone who reads this, goes to Amazon, and asks for anything by 'Amos Carr' to be turned into an e-book, I'd be very grateful indeed! Thank you in advance. XX