Showing posts with label e-books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label e-books. Show all posts

Friday, 19 October 2012

Books arrived at last!!!

Well folks, I've finally received the advance copies for my second Western 'Crazy Man Cade'. Only they're not really advance, since some of my friends have already received their copies! I was cross !

I love it when a parcel of my books arrives, I love the feel and the smell of them, Okay call me odd, but that's the smell of an author!! Hee hee!

I hope people will put reviews on amazon for me, and tick the box which says you want to read the book on Kindle, as Robert Hale are talking about turning them into e-books at some point in the future. (Near future I hope!)

If you read this please leave me a comment on here will you?  Thanks a lot.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Possible e-books!

Remember me saying that I had heard from some of my friends who said they'd received copies of my new book, 'Crazy Man Cade' from Robert Hale, and I hadn't even got my advance copies? Well, I still haven't! The girl who handles that side of things has been away, and no-one else has done it for her. Typical! HUH!
Still, there might be a tiny speck of good news to be had, she did happen to hint that they may be looking at turning my first one, 'The Ghosts of Poynter' into an e-book! Now, if everyone who reads this, goes to Amazon, and asks for anything by 'Amos Carr' to be turned into an e-book, I'd be very grateful indeed! Thank you in advance. XX