Saturday, 8 December 2012

Talks to Libraries.

A little in advance, but I want to wish everyone a Happy Christmas and New Year!

Talking of the New Year, I have a fair few talks to Library groups and even to business groups. Fingers crossed that they all go well!  I hope you all have a good New Year also, and good luck in all you do.

Friday, 23 November 2012

Talking to audiences

Well folks, I have some dates for the New Year, to talk to writing groups at various Libraries in the area, as well as to a group of business and professional ladies. A bit nervous, but I guess I shouldn't be, I used to be a tutor at the local College, teaching Creative Writing, among other things, so standing up and talking in front of rooms full of people really doesn't worry me. I just hope they don't heckle me!  My second book 'Crazy Man Cade' is doing well and getting good reviews on Amazon. I am going to put my third Western straight on to Kindle next year. I am also working on another for Robert Hale, and my Romance is coming along well. Maybe next year will be even better than this!!
Here's hoping eh? See you all soon. X

Friday, 2 November 2012

Me and Johnny Depp!!!

Hey! Remember I told you I was in Writing Magazine this month? Well, just go and look a few pages further in, and you'll see my biggest hero, Johnny Depp! I'm in the same magazine as my hero!! YAY! Be better if I was in the same room.  I'm hoping that he'll get a copy of the mag, see that I write Westerns, and ask me for permission to turn one of my books into a fim for him to star in! He'd be a great leading man for my second one, 'Crazy Man Cade'. A girl's allowed a dream or two isn't she? Wouldn't you? I'm going to keep everything crossed for a while! X.

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

BULLETS AND HEARTS.: Writing Magazine news.

BULLETS AND HEARTS.: Writing Magazine news.: Hello everyone, this is just a quickie, to let you know that there is an article about me, and my writing of course, in the latest issue of ...

Writing Magazine news.

Hello everyone, this is just a quickie, to let you know that there is an article about me, and my writing of course, in the latest issue of Writing Magazine. It's just a short piece in the Members news section, but the magazine is read by a lot of people. It's all about networking, and getting your name out there, and if just some of the people who read that magazine, go to my website, or buy or borrow one of my books, it's working.
For more information, take a look at my website -
Those of you who are interested in writing in any form, why not try joining an online writing site, or forum, there are lots, Facebook has a lot also. They are full of friendly helpful people (for the most part) and range from complete beginners, to people who have had many books published.
Why not check it out, and maybe I'll see you there?

Friday, 19 October 2012

Books arrived at last!!!

Well folks, I've finally received the advance copies for my second Western 'Crazy Man Cade'. Only they're not really advance, since some of my friends have already received their copies! I was cross !

I love it when a parcel of my books arrives, I love the feel and the smell of them, Okay call me odd, but that's the smell of an author!! Hee hee!

I hope people will put reviews on amazon for me, and tick the box which says you want to read the book on Kindle, as Robert Hale are talking about turning them into e-books at some point in the future. (Near future I hope!)

If you read this please leave me a comment on here will you?  Thanks a lot.

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Possible e-books!

Remember me saying that I had heard from some of my friends who said they'd received copies of my new book, 'Crazy Man Cade' from Robert Hale, and I hadn't even got my advance copies? Well, I still haven't! The girl who handles that side of things has been away, and no-one else has done it for her. Typical! HUH!
Still, there might be a tiny speck of good news to be had, she did happen to hint that they may be looking at turning my first one, 'The Ghosts of Poynter' into an e-book! Now, if everyone who reads this, goes to Amazon, and asks for anything by 'Amos Carr' to be turned into an e-book, I'd be very grateful indeed! Thank you in advance. XX

'The Next Big Thing'.

Hello all. My dear friend Madalyn Morgan tagged me on her blog last Wednesday, to spread the word about 'The Next Big Thing', and when I have answered the ten questions about my latest work in progress, I will be tagging other writers, who, in turn will hopefully answer the same questions and tag others, thus spreading the word, far and wide about our latest works.  So here goes -

WHAT IS THE WORKING TITLE OF THE BOOK?     Simply 'Ravenswing' at the moment.

WHERE DID THE IDEA COME FROM?   From the time that I and husband and daughter lived in kent where we 'did up' an old cottage and started a smallholding. A place like 'Ravenswing' has always been my personal dream.

WHAT GENRE DOES IT FIT INTO?  Hmmm, well, it's not quite chick lit, nor is it an Aga saga, but there are elements of both, along with a strong Romantic thread, so I suppose it's just a contemporary Romance really.

WHICH ACTORS WOULD YOU CHOOSE TO PLAY YOUR CHARACTERS IN A MOVIE RENDITION OF YOUR WORK?    Actors? I've never really considered this one as a film, but looking around the people who 'fit the characters best' would be, Scott Maslen, who, I am reliably informed plays in East Enders, as the creepy Estate Agent,  - Ruth Bradley (Primeval) as Jackie, and the hero (he'd have to grow his hair though!) Mark Salling -Puck in 'Glee'.

CAN WE HAVE A ONE SENTENCE SYNOPSIS OF THE WORK?  Jackie's husband dies, leaving her a large legacy, she buys a rundown old farm and begins a romance with one of the restoration workers, they have their problems, but it's a 'happy ever after' tale.

WILL IT BE SELF-PUBLISHED, OR REPRESENTED BY AN AGENT?  I hope it will be accepted by an agent or publisher, if not, its Kindle!

HOW LONG DID IT TAKE TO WRITE THE FIRST DRAFT?  I'm one of those writers who drafts, writes, edits, re-writes, edits again, then drafts another bit, so I'm still drafting, and will be until it's finished.

WHAT OTHER BOOKS WOULD YOU COMPARE IT TO WITHIN YOUR GENRE?  I'm really not sure what genre/author to compare it with, as I don't really know anyone who writes on similar themes, though I dare say there are some out there.

WHO, OR WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO WRITE THE BOOK? This particular one was mostly inspired by a dream, combined with personal experiences. As to writing in general, my father and grandfather. And if you would like to know more about me, please go and check out my website -    Thank you in advance.

WHAT ELSE ABOUT THE BOOK MIGHT PIQUE THE READERS INTEREST?  It's 'The Good Life' for the 21st Century, with a strongly Romantic twist ( and a gorgeous hero!)

Okay, that's the ten questions answered, so now I have to tag other writers, only trouble is, some of the ones I originally wanted, bon't have blogs! So for now, there are just two, but I will put others on as I find them, honest!

Come on ladies, your turn to tell us all about your WIP ! And thanks for agreeing to take part. XX

Monday, 15 October 2012

Where are my books?

Okay. What's going on? Friends are telling me they are now receiving their copies of my latest book, 'Crazy Man Cade'. And I haven't got my advance copies from the publisher yet!! Annoyed or what!
And I can't speak to the girl at the publisher's until Wednesday! Typical eh?

I'm now working on trying to answer the ten questions for the 'Next Big Thing' which I will be posting on here on Wednesday (I hope). It's a way for writers to spread the word about their latest works in progress, and also to spread info about their writer friends.  Please look out for my blog then, on Wednesday 17/10/12.

Thanks folks!

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

linking to other people's blogs

Well folks, I've been ordered to put a link on here to my mate's blog, She's a real bossy boots you know! So I'm going to try but I'm a bit useless at this job.
To read all about her works in progess, and other  info about this lovely lady  please visit her at